You may be wondering...

..who I am:
My name is Amanda Baxley and I am from the teeny town of Hartsville, South Carolina. I went to the College of Charleston and graduated in 2006 with a BA in Biology and a minor in Psychology. After taking a year off to work, I got accepted to the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing. I graduated from the Accelerated BSN program this past December and am now officially a RN!!! I have had the same amazing boyfriend for the past 4 years now and will hopefully be lucky enough to be engaged to him very soon! And I definitely can't go without mentioning the other love in my sweet, adorable 4 year old Daschund named Sadie. She is my best friend and always beside me!

...what this blog is all about:
Giving others a chance to experience Livingstone, Zambia right along with me.

...when I will be in Zambia:
From January 31 until March 2 of this year.

...where Livingstone, Zambia is located:
Livingstone is the current capital of Zambia, a country in the southern portion of Africa. Livingstone is approximately 10km south of Victoria Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in the world.

...why I am going there:
To provide healthcare to the disadvantaged citizens of Livingstone. Zambia is one of the world's poorest countries in the world and, as a result, healthcare is ineffecient. Because of the lack of adequate healthcare and health related education, Zambia is one of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa most affected by HIV and AIDS. Growing up, I was lucky enough to see the way that my dad cared about people other than himself. So...long story short, about 10 months ago, I made the decision to go to Zambia so that I could begin using my medical skills like my father used his - to help those that are unable (no matter what the reason) to help themselves.

“For the first time in human history, we have the science, the technology, and the money to end extreme poverty. With this unprecedented historic opportunity comes the responsibility to act”.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Amazing news!!!!

This morning I got the most amazing news......Brave has received the two boxes of medical supplies!!!! I called him this morning just to chat, expecting to hear him say that he still hasn't received the shipments from me - but, instead, he suprises me by saying that he picked both boxes up from the Livingstone Post Office earlier this morning!! He then goes on to tell me something that immediately gives me goosebumps and makes me cry (these were happy tears....sad tears were nowhere in sight this morning). Not too long ago (just a little while before I arrived in Livingstone) the Livingstone District Health Management Team finished construction on a building behind Maramba Clinic. They planned to use this building as additional clinic rooms, laboratory space, an HIV and TB testing area, etc. While I was in Livingstone volunteering, they were just beginning to move into this new building and were all thrilled about the MUCH needed space they finally had - they had been working on everything involved with this new building for so, so long, and finally their work had paid off - it really was wonderful to see. Well, Brave explained to me this morning that the staff at Maramba were all prepared to start having clinic in this building (as well as continue having it in the older building as well) but, quite simply, did not have enough medical supplies to do any of this. So, in other words, they were not going to be able to have any clinic at all at Maramba until they were able to get the medical supplies that they needed - and with no clinic services available at Maramba, hundreds upon hundreds of people would go without medical care. He then excitedly told me that this was no longer a problem because they had received the supplies that we had sent over to them. Because of the supplies that they now had, they were going to be able to continue providing medical care to the people of Maramba - for as long as these supplies will last. At this point in the conversation, I was totally covered in goosebumps and the tears were flowing. But then he proceeded to make this news even more special by telling me how absolutely grateful he is to the people of "South Caroleena" (I adore the way he pronounces's really is) who had decided to help the people of Livingstone. He said to me, "Oh my god...what you all have done...oh my god...I can't even explain how much it will help the people...thank you, thank you. Oh my god...the blood sugar machines...the syringes...the surgery blades...thank you, thank you."

So, needless to say, the news that I got this morning was amazing. I worked with, lived with, laughed with, and made lifelong memories with the people of Livingstone. The best friends that I have ever had and will ever have are from Livingstone. I love these people with all of my heart. The love that you all are showing to them by giving what you can is making an impact in their lives and I want to thank you. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for helping these people that are so incredibly important to me. I can't even put into words how grateful I am for everyone's love and support. Thank you!

Now that I know that Brave will receive the boxes that we ship, I am going to continue sending them as long as people are willing to make donations. So, please spread the word!!!! Let me know if anyone wants to make a donation! Thank you again.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Still waiting....

Wow.....what a crazy week this has been. My life has gotten so much more complicated since I returned from Africa. I really don't like how complex everything is here in the US - and people don't realize that life doesn't have to be so difficult! Everyone thinks that having lots of "things" will make them happy.....and if you don't have lots of "things" then you will lead such a depressing life. But I have come to understand that the more "things" you have, the worse life gets. The people of Zambia are such happy people and lead such joyful lives. Others may view them as "poor" and "poverty stricken".....but in reality, they are the richest and most fulfilled people that I have ever met. They don't base their happiness on whether or not they have material things.......they base their happiness on whether or not they have things like love and friendship. Man....I miss it there.....I really, really do. I can't wait to go back.....

To date, I have mailed two boxes of medical supplies over to Brave. Since mailing the second box, I have been given 350 more dollars from some very caring and generous people to use to pay for shipping more boxes! So, I spoke to Brave yesterday and he said that he has not received the first two boxes yet. I mailed them on March 13, so hopefully they will get there soon. But, I am going to wait probably about another week before I ship any more - during that time I will hopefully hear that he has received the first two. If not, then I will know that something may need to be changed with the shipping! But, I will post updates along the way! Thanks again to everyone that has been helping out! Couldn't do it without ya.........

Monday, March 16, 2009

Box #2

So box #2 has been shipped! :) I sent it off today and it contained:

400 tongue depressors

200 q-tip applicators

300 alcohol pads

100 oral swabsticks

23 iodine swabsticks

482 needles - all different gauges

10 packs sterile surgical gloves

1 foley tray

293 syringes

100 lancets

100 surgical steel blades

100 small oval eye pads

280 gauze sponges

The package weighed a total of 14 pounds, 6.2 ounces and the total postage fees were $89.50. Donations are still being made by some amazing people and I already have $150 donated towards the next couple of boxes! So, I'm getting the next ones together! I talked with Brave today on the phone and told him about all the support. He says "Thank you" and that we are "helping the clinics more than we even know". I am so excited about him receiving the boxes and will be talking with him again soon, so I will keep everyone updated. Thanks again guys!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Photos and Videos

I just realized that after you click on the link to view my pictures and videos, you have to either have a Snapfish account or create one before you can view anything. If you don't want to create an account then you can just use mine - so when it asks for an e-mail address type in: and then the password is jan71984. Sorry about that!!!!

Box #1 shipped!!

The first box of supplies has been shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about this and can't wait for Brave to receive the box in Zambia - it should take about 8 - 10 days to get to him. The box weighed 12 pounds 10 ounces and contained:

8 glucometers (blood sugar machines)
1300 test strips for the glucometers
24 5cc syringes
21 barrier dressings
500 safety seal lancets
6 AAA batteries for the glucometers

I was able to send all of this for $79.00!! It sounds like a pretty big chunk of change but the estimated value of all the medical supplies in the box was over $2500! Can you believe that? Last night, I received another $100 donation! So, I am in the process now of putting together the second box of medical supplies! I am so excited and so grateful to everyone that has helped out so far! Thank you guys so much. And if anyone else is interested in making a donation then please e-mail me at Or, if you would rather it be an anonymous donation, then you can send a check to: 812 Prestwood Drive, Hartsville, SC 29550.
Thanks again!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My photos and videos from the trip!

Hey everyone! All my photos and videos are finally uploaded! Click on the link on the right!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shipping rates

Wow.....figuring out rates and what all is involved with the process of international shipping is harder than I imagined. But...I think I finally figured it out! The picture that I have posted is the first box that I am sending over to Maramba Clinic! Here are the rates that I found on the USPS website:

Small box (5-7 pounds): shipping cost of $53-$63

Medium box (7-10 pounds): $63 - $79

Large box (10-15 pounds): $79 - $108

Extra large box (15 pounds and above): starts at $108

The maximum shipping weight to Zambia is 70 pounds so you could definitely donate more if you would like. Most of the medical supplies that I am sending are ones that don't really weigh that much (like gauze, syringes, alcohol swabs, etc.) so 5-7 pounds may not sound like that much initially, but it actually takes quite a lot of small stuff together to add up to 5-7 pounds. And then for the larger boxes, I will be able to send the supplies that tend to weigh a little more than the others (glucometers, bottles of peroxide/rubbing alcohol, etc.) Please think about making a donation! The clinics that I worked in while in Livingstone really are in terrible need of these supplies. Please e-mail me at if you would like to help out!

The pictures and videos from my trip will be up by tonight on Snapfish! I will post the web address here!